Terms and Conditions for StrikeZone app

1. Introduction

Welcome to StrikeZone! These Terms and Conditions govern your use of the StrikeZone app and its associated services. By accessing or using our app, you agree to be bound by these terms. Please read them carefully.

2. Reliability and Usage

The StrikeZone app relies on external factors such as Wi-Fi and cellular data provided by third-party services. We are not responsible for interruptions or failures caused by these services. While we strive to maintain a secure and up-to-date application, we cannot guarantee that there will be no errors or issues related to your device’s battery life, storage, or other hardware and software problems. Use of StrikeZone in real game situations is at your own risk, and we recommend having a backup communication plan in place.

If you encounter any issues or bugs within the app, please report them to our support team at https://strikezone.app/help. We aim to respond to all queries within three business days.

3. Device Safety at Sporting Events

Users will utilize their own devices to access and operate the StrikeZone app on the baseball field. It is important to acknowledge that using personal devices in an active sports environment carries inherent risks, such as potential damage from being dropped, hit, or exposed to adverse weather conditions. We cannot guarantee the safety of your device while using the app during baseball activities. By using the StrikeZone app, you accept the risk of potential device damage.

4. Compliance with Sports Regulations

It is your responsibility to ensure that the use of StrikeZone conforms to the rules and regulations of the league or governing body under which you are operating. Should you require assistance in obtaining approval for the app in your specific league, please submit a request at https://strikezone.app/help.

5. Subscription and Payment

StrikeZone offers a 14-day free trial for each device. After the trial period, a subscription fee of $9.99 per month will apply. Payments are processed through Apple’s payment system, and your subscription can be managed in your Apple settings. The app’s team and communication features are only available with an active subscription; without a subscription, the app will function in a limited capacity with your device alone and will not communicate with others. All payments are final and non-refundable.

6. Geographic Restrictions

The StrikeZone app is designed for use only within the United States. Access or use outside of these regions may not provide the intended functionality.

7. Privacy Summary

For a full explanation of how we handle your personal information, please visit our Privacy Policy at https://strikezone.app/privacy. Briefly, we collect user data strictly for the purposes of operating the app and for internal purposes. We do not sell your data to any third parties. Upon signing up for StrikeZone, you will be automatically subscribed to our users’ newsletter. You may opt out of receiving these emails at any time via the unsubscribe link included in each email.

8. Amendments to Terms

We reserve the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time without notice. Continued use of the app after any such changes shall constitute your consent to such changes.

9. Priority and Dispute Resolution

In the event of a conflict between these Terms and Conditions and those of Apple or with applicable law, the terms of Apple or the law will take precedence. Any legal disputes must first be addressed directly in good faith. If a resolution cannot be reached within 30 days, disputes may be resolved only through mediation. All claims are limited to the amount paid for one month’s use of the app. If you have issues with the app, you may cancel your subscription.